the naughties... the internet should be a bit more naughty again. its all too squeaky clean for my liking.
No, I'm not THAT happy to see you. It's just a DS in my pocket. Calm down.
Age 33, filthy Mayonaise Blaster
Intermediate-Hard Knocks
Joined on 5/23/08
the naughties... the internet should be a bit more naughty again. its all too squeaky clean for my liking.
Technology has come a long way. To think that we went from barely being able to communicate to the nearest city to being able to communicate across the entire planet in less than 100 years is insane.
When I think about it, the computer as an invention (and the portable phone) are probably up there with the best inventions. I'm talking up there with the wheel, the press, vaccines, penicillin, even the camera, clock, and toilet. Sliced bread was good, though.
I think, it's a positive good to have these things. We just have to hope people don't use them wrong. After all, at the time, the idea of the press was scary. A machine that could easily make hundreds of copies of news and distribute them across the world in a matter of hours? Especially if that media can be false or propaganda?
And now we have that, but on steroids, crack, and ketamine.
Suprisingly nuanced look on the matter.
And as crappy as it may seem, among the inventions you mentioned, the toilet definetly takes the crown if you ask me. At least that's the one I'd least want to live without. If I had to, I would instantly trade the GPS and random 'content' on demand, for keeping the comfortable, indoor morning dumps.
And not quite sure yet if I actually think the whole internet is a net positive down the line. Still kinda on the fence wether or not I agree with the saying the internet was a mistake.
But for some weird reason, I get more of a feeling that somebody should start some kind of a social movement, for a right to live offline.
Because as much as I love all of the cool stuff, the more dependend we become to it, or getting forced to use it as an only option, the more I start to dislike it.
Kinda like digital money, I absolutely understand the conveniences, of it. But if the servers, or network towers or modems/routers go down. Then you're pretty much screwed if you don't have the materials and know-how to fix it.
With physical cash, you can still literaly hand the money over to somebody when the power goes out.
i appreciated this read, thank you!
Was quietly kinda hoping for that.
I appreciate the appreciation! ':D
There are still search engines that let you find interesting sites! only indexes sites with intense old-school energy. focuses on non-commercial and personal sites, and it deranks sites for having ads or annoying features.
At first, I wanted to respond like some frustrated ladygirl, saying something like: 'I don't want any solutions, I just wanted somebody to listen to meeeh! ':O
But then I figured, those links might actually come in handy. Will come back to this whenever I get frustrated by modern Google's corporate search results again.
Also, super clever name for that second link. Instantly telling you, it will bring you the 'marginalised' results you may want to find.
Thx mate!
@achyfi Maybe stop frequenting the hypercurated shitslop websites and visit some potentially unsavoury but certainly more free sites like Vidlii or some of the weird 4chan splinters. Old internet is still there you guys just got too comfy with the mindless little feed cages the corpos put you in and totally forgot how to operate the real free websites
I mean, I'm in no way old enough to talk about this like I was living through it lol, but I can tell you from experience that things in your childhood will generally appear more mystical and simple since your mind is too.
The wonder that lives within the mind of a kid is truly something to envy as an adult, and we reflect on it as we grow up as our minds tend to have a better grasp of what's around us.
I used to look up at the stars when I was a kid, trying to grasp the concept that we can actually reaches these dots in the sky, and now as I'm older I'm still grumpy that we cannot go there lol.
Your experiences of peaking into this magical box of chips, and lights that somehow does stuff, and using the internet at its teenage years is something that is unique to you, and no one can take that away from you.
You do sound old and wise enough to have lived through those crazy old times, like you were there, 3000 years ago.
But yeah, I certainly won't deny that I'm seeing this with the so-called 'nostalgia goggles on'.
@whoahwastaken hay now, whos to say i dont already? lolol
i do think you're right, though. everyone would benefit from branching out from centralized social media websites
No you're right.
We should go back to when today's big corpos were just this "cool new thing"...
We should go back to when technology was was just this "weird lil box" and that's all.
We should go back to when people still used dictionaries, cameras, etc...
Yes I'm left.
We can't go back.
The cat is out of the bag.
Pandora's box has alreay been opened.
The ship has sailed.
The bridges have burned.
The fat lady sings.
But I do still see people walking around here and there, using cameras. As in just a camera device for doing only camera things with, instead of a device that has a camera, lol.
It's just as annoying when one of those is pointing at my ugly mug, though.
But at least with an actual camera, you know for certain what they're doing with it.