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How should we bring the news??

Posted by Guidodinho - October 11th, 2023

This poast is a big dumb ellaborate question, on how to expand upon the expression: 'sugar-coating the news'. And to see if any random person reading this can come up with something funny or clever to say.

How can you tell people what happened? You could tell somebody, the way it is, sure. But that is bland. You could also sugar-coat the news, but that's been done to death already, not original anymore.

How else can you present the news? Could you sauce it up too? A pinch of salt or seasoning? Some herbs (know wut I'm sayin'?) and spices maybe (bby(q))?

So many condiments, so many methods of cooking it up. Let me hear one of your recipes of bringing some news to somebody. And let's say the bad news you have to tell, is to your child; 'little Timmy', his (gold-)fish just died.

How would you tell him? In a way that is not as it is, so not to the point. And also not sugar-coating it.

Please do tell me an example, of how to bring that reccipe, in that bad news situation.


i never watch the news i only watch conspiracy theory youtube channels

Not that kind of news

But sure. That is also a way to let little Timmy know his gold-fish died: showing him a conspiracy video on what whacky things could have happened to it.
But how would you call that way of presenting that news, in a culinary fashion??

And who wanted Timmy's gold-fish out of the way? Who would bennifit of off Timmies missery? Was it the gold-fish industry, wanting him to keep buying new ones? Or perhaps the little fishy was AssAssinated for political reasons...
But MOST importantly, compared to "sugar"-coating that news. What kind of ingredient is the conspiratory presentation? Would that be salt-coating it? Or something else?

Roll the fucker in batter and plate it up for him with thick cut chips and mushy peas.

Hmmm, interresting sugestion. Instead of sprinkling over the bad news with sweet stuff, you batter it up and fry it, to give it a thick, crusty edge.

Do you also have an idea, or example, to turn that into an actual talking-style of telling bad news? Or just literaly serving poor little timmy his old pet, but in a crispy coating?
Because that could be considered kinda cruel to some people.
But I could never dissagree with you, on the thick cut chips. None of those thin, toothpick-like misserable little shitty 'French fries', no thanks.
It's like, the French know how to kiss (oui oui), but their fries (non non)...it's just massively dissapointing.

You may not be a man of great mercy (if you were being literal with frying up little Timmy's fishy), but certainly a man of great taste, considering your choice in chips.

@Guidodinho I just think it's what the little fishy would have wanted. This way he becomes a part of Timmy and Timmy gets a lesson about the circle of life. It's all very Zen if you think about it. Zen with good chips.