Very much enjoyed the bit at my trainwreck. Sounded exactly as 'deep' and pretentious as I hoped it would be, topped off with a delightfully stupid anti-climax after the enviromental message.
Very much enjoyed the bit at my trainwreck. Sounded exactly as 'deep' and pretentious as I hoped it would be, topped off with a delightfully stupid anti-climax after the enviromental message.
Thank you so much, Guidodinho!
Missed the deadline because of bullshitty drama. But now actually liking how mine is sticking out, not completely finished, and clearly only done with a pen, among the many (but also cool ofc) digital spooders.
And kinda like how I left a bit of a cressendo from left to right, with the unfinishedness of it. Kinda like a lil fade-in.
Might do the exact same again, but doing it electric for part 2. ':3
Also, super easy and simple way to snag a daily 3rd trophy.
Been working my bum off, weeks or months, on me own before, getting 4th trophies. Still happy and dandy with those, dun get me wrong. But good to see right in front of me, you can just gather your simple content from willing people, and smack it all nicely together. Just gotta keep it stupidly-simple to get enough peeps on board.
The simplicity of this feels pretty inspiring to me, makes me feel like trying to make a game like this myself.
And effectively easy to immediatly understand for anybody right off the bat.
One thing I found to be slightly annoying, is the way the blocks fall down. They snap 1 space down each step, if it's all 1 color in a row, you basically don't see anymotion. And when it's a mix of the 2 colors falling down, it kinda feels like the screen is just bkinking between red and blue, wich gets a little tiring on the eyes.
It might lose a bit of the minimalist style to change that, but I think it would be a little more easy on the eyes to have the blocks fall down in a smooth motion, or at least have like 1 inbetween step, having it more clearly convey the downward motion.
Well, it was a rough ride before playing this: Few days before, I got into the loading screen, took me a butload of time. But when it finally finished loading...! browser crashed on me...
Tried another browser, same story. Not that weird though, cause I'm on a toaster with 2gigs of ram, with the most patheticaly small harddrive: a big wooping total of 28 gigabytes of memory baby! (wich half of it get taken up by windows itself).
And I couldn't just reinstall windows to clear up my harddrive, no sir.... because i needed 8 gigs of memory free on my hard drive, so I could proceed to free up the memory on my harddrive, for some sadistic reason, to be able to put that shit on a usb-stick.
So I dug up the teeny-tiny (and super cute) windows7 laptop I inherited from my mother, had to put in the power-adapter with surgical percission and make sure not to move it even a millimeter (the charging port is pretty busted on the thing). So I could prepare the usb-stick on that. On the plus side, that ol laptop stil has an old version of firefox with flash still working on it, so I could properly play a few flash-games in the meantime, wich was a freaking long-ass time.
So when I was finally done with that, I could FINALLY reinstal windows10 on me current toaster, wich also took pretty long, so by the time that was done, I had to get out to work.
But when I got home, I first took a lil time to remove all the bullshit apps that came with windows first of course (gotta keep that 28G harddrive as clean as possible while it's fresh again).
So I opened up Friday Night Funk again, to see how it would go this time, while letting the game load, I went and prepared myself some noodles. So all noodled up, the game and me were ready to go. I thought to myself: ''alright. Fork in my left hand, arrow keys in the right, let's do this!"
Then I noticed there were two sets of arrows on-screen, so I thought: ''left hand on WASD it is then..''
So when I got started with the first track, while the noodles were slowly cooling down, I suddenly got into the game-over screen halfway through. Then a thought went through my mind: 'thefuq is this shit!? I'm dual-weilding this bitch like a big-bad-ass-boss, and I'm hitting all the notes spot-on!'
Turned out I was only supposed to do the set of arrows on the right and WASD was just another option instead of the arrow-keys....
So with noodles back on the left-hand-side (wich thankfully, were still warm enough to enjoy), I totally rocked the intro-stage and proceeded to go kick the old vampy-looking bloke's booty, wich I did. But I did notice the difficulty level ramping up pretty swiftly. And I also noticed then, that I forgot to log in (for the medals n all that gud stuff).
Then week 2 came allong. And it kicked upon my crown jewels, spit in my face, called me names, then it bent me over and lets just say that it skipped over the foreplay, and there were no lubricants involved. So butthurt, I spent a minute at the level-select-screen, just moving up and down a bit to the rythm.....
But I shall return tommorow night (wich just happens to be friday)! And that night, I shall not be bum-broken again! (I hope).
But totally sweet game. And this aint no Donkey Konga bruh, this game doesn't fuck around with the difficulty (on easy mode maybe, but I aint gonna try that, stickin' with normal), and I absolutely respect that.
So simple, yet so addicting
The controlls are really simple and pretty much anyone can play it right away, it also has a graet learning curve. Also liked how you used a pretty boring subject, the letter I and T to create something this fun.
Only small complaint is that I think you should made it a bit more challanging, because I only had a hard time figuring out what to do with one level (the balloon level with the bomb and the spikes).
But overall, friggin awesome game man. It's been a really long time since i've seen a good and creative game like this ;)
a score of 3,5 is too low!
What you said to yourself a few weeks, you said it right, there really aren't enough rythm games here on NG.
And to all the people who are complaining about how they want vertical controlls, i've got a little trick: turn that darn keyboard 90 degrees! There you have your stupid vertical controlls!
I mean, really, the controll are just fine. You just have to play a bit and get used to it.
And it's really cool you only put music from the audio portal in it, it's a great way to make some good use of it :p
And it's great that you put the download feature on it. That way, i can play it at school too,cuz newgrounds is blocked at my school :(
So i really don't get it why the score is only 3,50.
The graphics were fine, the gameplay worked well and had nice music in it. There's nothing to complain about. (no, the controlls aren't something to complain about, you just have to get used to it).
It really pisses me off >:(
Well, i gues i'm going to cheer myself of by playing this again :p
10/10, 5/5 and faved :)
Dear sirs, it's briliant!
The concept is simple but well performed. And the butler looked really majestic when they jumped forward :p
The game is really hard when you begin, but once you get the hang of it, it's very addicting.
And the background and music fitted perfectly.
Plus, the voices gave it the perfect finishing touch.
So here's conclusion sir:
5/5, 10/10 and faved.
Nice dude!
Nice graphics, doesn't get borring fast. And lots of items and attacks.
The thing i liked best were the summons, seriously dude, those summons were awesome, especially catastrophy from Golden Sun.
I also liked that you put other characters in it like the cat from the kitten game.
could have been way better..
The buttons were too minimal, i think you should have made the buttons with the "on" (when the mouse is on the button) and "klick" (when the mouse is klicked on the button) frames on it.
it would also be better if you'd explained what the actionscript on the buttons mean, i know that sounds pretty lame but if you want to teach people how to make them, i think they shoud also understand how it works.
And another thing about the actionscript, the "gotoandplay(2)". not that it's wrong, but it doesn't have to be just frame 2. I think you should have explained that you can choose whatever frame you want (and whatever scene you want) and not only frame two.
And the whole thing simply looked too boring. you've could at least added a background.
And the finishing touch would be if you'd show some nice flashy buttons instead of just an black and white image with some actionscript on it.
No, I'm not THAT happy to see you. It's just a DS in my pocket. Calm down.
Age 33, filthy Mayonaise Blaster
Intermediate-Hard Knocks
Joined on 5/23/08