Absolutely Glorious.
And the included gif of the process is super cool.
Absolutely Glorious.
And the included gif of the process is super cool.
Thank you
A shiny bald head never looked so bad-ass.
I should do one for Krillin
Cool as heck! Also just nice to see a good background/enviroment piece getting a frontpage, sadly don't see those very often.
And good spread on the brick textures on the buildings, didn't go grinding like crazy, by filling in every single brick, wich would take forever to fill in, wich would probably also go by unnapreciated by most, but just enough bricks filled in, to have the material look convincing.
Car looks great too, though little bit weird how it slightly clashes perspective-wise, like its a bit of a 3/4 turned angle, while the rest is more of a full frontal view. Maybe a good idea to put the sidewalk and the road on that same angle as the car. But can definetly see the car looking more boring if was on a flat sideview to match the rest, so can't complain there.
Most funny little nitpick I noticed, is that the bicycle doesn't have any paddles, but you really have to zoom in and look for that to actually notice it.
Thanks for the kind words ɭ: there's a few spots where I took some liberties design-wise in service of what I thought might look better; the car specifically was sprited separately and reworked for this piece, but I'm pleased with how it turned out.
Alright, as soon as you're done raking in all the money you made with this masterpiece. Consider investing in some black sticky-tape, do put down the lines directly with that.
If my School has Black Tape
Cool animation.
But the format is absolutely TERrIBlE mate. Seriously, wtf man, a webp of 28 mB is Way Overkill. The whole thing played at around 1 frame per 3 seconds. And made my browser lag so hard I almost had to wait 3 seconds for each letter for typing this very review!
Seriously dude, compress this thong REALLy REAlLY hARD or turn this into a video file of 3 mb. Because a gif or webp of this size is sheer retardedness.
Sorry for that, You're totally right. I change it for a provisional more compressed version while I make some experiments to get a definitive.
Thank you for your comment!
Think it's fair to say by now, that ur the GOAT when it comes to birds, on NG. Either that or I massivly overlooked some other artists' bird works.
But don't think anybody else on newgrounds, has done so many different birds in so many different ways.
Whoa! That's pretty high praise! I'm honored.
A classic at-the-office poster cliché.
Would love to see in an even fuller vertical resolution, with a long-@ss scroll to the dephts bellow, like this old NG classic: (if I can post a link in this here)
I should get a print of this and hang it next to that RTIL piece, I bought from him when he had that up for sale years ago, wich has survived many movings of places.
Thank you ~
Would be fun to try my hand at making a drawing like that. Its a really fun concept :>
Feels kinda uncanny to see a Cheb in full colour for the first time.
(Edit: I see now, there were more earlier, but I dun missed em)
chebs always lack color but time has come where they HAVE get colored and look as squishy as ever
Giving new meaning to the words hot garbage, lolz!
Gud job, mah dude. ';3
THAT'S A PERFECT TITLE! I should have thought of that. Fantastic!
It looks like such an easily done animation. Barely any movement, and not much happening to the avarage eye. But I think this took a lot more time and effort, compared to some loop of a character f*cking really hard, or something like that.
So many things that can easily look weird, if not tweeked just right, with little character motions like this.
All of these (VERY DÈLLICATE AND SUBTLE) lil' jiggls and wiggls on the boobs/belly/butt/thighs/hair/accessories. All gotta be positioned and timed well, or it'll look weird really easily.
So very cool job!
And a nice bubbly figure, but with only just that modest lil muffin' top. Aye like dat. ';3
Thanks for the kind comment, it's good to know that the effort is evident :)
No, I'm not THAT happy to see you. It's just a DS in my pocket. Calm down.
Age 33, filthy Mayonaise Blaster
Intermediate-Hard Knocks
Joined on 5/23/08