Good video, artwork was nice, voice-over were good, and the jokes worked well.
Only thig I don't agree with is the theme choice I honestly don't see the value that the league of legends characters add to it, I didn't notice anything that was fitting to akali or aything fitting for master yi (if you asked me they could've been just some lady and just some guy on the phone).
And sorry if this gets over kinda douchey, but I also didn't recognise the character, I recognised Akali because I read the title first and now that she has a nurse skin. But I had no idea it was Master yi until after I watched the animation and read the discription. Don't get me wrong, they were drawn well (estheatically, they looked good) but I didn't really notice any characteristics, if you know what I mean.
So if you ask me (not that anyone ever does, but Imma say it anyways, in case it's helpful) I'd stick with the regular skins, or include things to the dialogue or artwork. So other people get it, or see the appeal of the fact that you included those characters.
Because the fact that it had LoL characters (for no real obvious reason or theme), left me feeling kind of indifferent at the end, while the video itself was really entertaining! And to me indifference is pretty annoying, cuz you can't do nuthin with it: it's not right, it's not wrong, it's just.....kinda.......meh, if you know what I'm sayin.
But don't take it too heavily, no complaints on the quality front ;)