I think you got away with having the foot in just that simple shape bacause of how pixely it is. More detailed, higher resolution & all that jazz and it propably would've looked weird. But usuallg when constructing feet, it probably (besides using refferences obviously) to build it up with simple shapes. I usually go for a circle on the ankle, a little wide bottomed cone hanging down from it, then connecting a flat rectangle angled towards where the foot should be poiting too.
One thing on anatomy where I often goof on myself is accidentaly making the torso a bit too stretched out. Wich I think you did a bit on this one too, if you compare the length of the torso with the legs. Good idea for that would be to find a similar pose, or any other pose standing up straight. Then draw some horizontal guidelines at shoulderheight, hips and at the feet or ankles, wich may help keeping the general proportions right. Hope that helps.
One nitpicky thing I personally didnt like looking up close. Is that the size of the pixels were smaller on the part of the tree on the bottom, made it look a little unfittingly smooth compared to the rest. And the light beams seemed to be perfectly straight angled lines istead of having fittingly pixelated edges, though not even that sure if that would've looked nice anyway.
But all in all. Still looks pretty pro, bro.