
193 Art Reviews

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ah damn, just posted a suggestion while you already finished it....

But yeah, great ending. Nice way of holding a mirror in front of some of the fans and saying: this is what kind of idiots you're being. Plus a good way of making sure the people know you're a mohawk wearing bad-ass who can fly and blow bubbles with gum ;)

Oh no he didn't!

Please don't tell me you've put André Hazes in there! XD

vlaktemaat responds:

LOL sorry I did..


Like Kero said bellow me... there will always be little douchebags who will vote zero just because it's Justing friggin Bieber, but we have a name for those kind of people here on the internet: Trolls.

I'd want to give this a big'ol zero, but unlike Bieber, you actually put a lot of effort in what you do, wich everyone (even the little shits who voted 0) can clearly see.

But the lame kid HAS done something good, and that's making you some money, i assume you're getting paid for this since it's on the cover of "Fame". And if not......you should.

Bullsik responds:

Yes, fortunately I got paid. Not much, but always something.

could this be....

....family of the famous Ass Catchum!?

Psi43 responds:


the real thing looks prettier :p

But this one's drawn pretty well. It's not your best work though.
I think you should have chosen some different colours for the skin. Most of it is okay though, it's just some parts seem really red, like the left side of her nose and that part just above her eye.

And i don't agree with the dude below me, i think that smile's friggin brilliant. Only thing i don't like about the smile is that it draws all of my attention. I mean, there's so much detail in there but i can't see it cuz i'm constantly looking at that damn smile!

Just one thing i think you should watch out for:
Since you got your new drawing tablet and started drawing in colour you really improved. A LOT!
But i think you're kinda starting to lose the thing i liked best in your pencil drawings, and that's the natural look. Like in 'more of the sketchbook': (i still think that's you best piece of art) she looked damn pretty but still looked natural. And your latest artwork looks really great and it's unbelievebly realistic, but i think it looks a bit too...well... a little too 'barbie' if you know what i mean.

So if you can draw with the amazing detail you're doing now and give it a more natural look like in your pencil work. I'd be dying of dehydration cuz i'll be drooling and looking at the computerscreen all day XD

SunnyRays responds:

yeah I see what you mean... actually I kinda foresaw this and somewhat feared it would happen when I finished the first work on my new tablet....lol its like a momentum thats shifting my style, and I'm kinda hesitant on what to do....anyways yes you pointed out the big goal now, I must find the key to the fusion between styles

but note I did this one in kinda of a hurry, so the rush to get this done in a fraction of the time as the previous work may have it's effects....lol don't rush the artists, like wine....it need time :D

oohw yeah!

i'd give her some of my own white magic any day XD

You lied!

This didn't take you one hour! This took you half an hour! Cuz you didn't make this whole painting, you made one half of the painting and mirrored it.
Am i the only one who noticed that this paining is completely symetrical? But i think that's a good think, it makes this peice more unique.
I also liked what you did with the colours. You made the whole painting in this dark and purple style and then you did the eyes in this bright lime-green wich brought all the attention to her eyes.

Pro gamer shmoves.

Age 32, filthy Mayonaise Blaster

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Joined on 5/23/08

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