Hearing about people with a non-binairy identity...It just keeps being something to me wich I simply can't wrap my head around. It just completely baffles me, in how utterly pointless, useless and massive waste of time, it seems to be (the way I see it, at least), not only for yourself, but for everybody around you, when taking the time, to make clear that you wish to identify yourself, as something other than the two old-fashioned options of; 'girl/boy' or 'woman/man' or 'her/he' or 'female/male' or 'lady/gentleman' or 'slut/stud' (lulz) or 'heads/tails' (deep yo) or 'sister/brother' (like, what u call ur no-bi siblings now?).
Why haven't I ever heard a non-binairy person EVER express, that them could understand: how things can get a bit tiring, when it comes down to adressing eachother in our daily lives.
And I myself can perfectly well understand, how tiresome it can be, when there's a missunderstanding in what to call eachother. I exhaust the shit out the people around me all the time, on how to pronounce my own name, wich is Guido. And many of you, who are not from my country, reading this, would probably assume you'd say my name like in italian, kinda saying it like 'goo-ey dough' (while'a makin' the hand'a gesture. Bellissimo!!). But you actualy say the 'Gui' like how you would pronounce 'Guitar' (that thing with the strings, that can do the music) or in how you say 'Guillotine' (that obsolete, nasty lookin' construction, making people lose their heads).
Now, if people were to ask me on a daily basis: "Hello sir, what's your name?"? And if I would have indetified myself as non-binairy.. Oh boy, I'd never get things done! Know what I'm saying? But I realise that is only when introducing to people who don't understand or agree with the non-binairy option, but those are a lot of people, mind you!
And on the other hand, it's like, alright, I get it already! Your identity, and my own, and everybody else's identity, is more than just your body type. You are more than the plumbing between the legs you're born with, when you came out of the plumbing between your mom's legs.
But can't we just keep our communications and language, a little easy on eachother? Not to try and say it in a pussy kinda way like "can't we all just get allong!?". It all just seems to have become so incredibly polliticall, probably obvious because of stuff I've been seeing & reading, on too much internet, I'm well aware of that. But unlike Left/Right or Democrat vs Republican or Red vs Blue (Blastoise FTW biatch!). I just never understood why people thought there ever was a need, to have that 3rd option.
And does it make you an asshole, if you physically describe other people as: chicks who look like dudes, or vice<~>versa?
So now look at me go! Wasting time, rambling about wasting time, over shit that's not even my problem, or none of my bussiness in the first place! About some shit that should be no problem at all, for anybody in their daily lives, whatever their believes & stuff.
Anyhowever: Thank you, to anybody bearing with me, reading all of this. Through this natural dissaster of a poast, that may prove impossible to consume for a contemporary attention-span, in combination of the sometimes not-so-compact ways of me describing things. With maybe a bunch of typos I didn't notice as the cherry on top, as I always make typos and am also not typing this in my native language, so gimme a break on the spelling, mkay!?
Aight, if you go ahead & try to have a decent day, Imma go out and do the same. Bye!