Those cheesy rap guys have never been this funny before.
And so spot on with the childhood experience of the early wild internet/runescape days.
Very well done m8!!
Those cheesy rap guys have never been this funny before.
And so spot on with the childhood experience of the early wild internet/runescape days.
Very well done m8!!
Kudos for getting Mr Godfried to waddle out of his grave to voice the slime fella.
To add a bit on the last dude, about the pacing. Either things could've been slowed down quite a bit, so most shots could linger a little bit, to let the eyes take in what's going on.
Or you could have left out a lot of material, and saved yourself a lot of work, of adding so much content and details that, go unnoticed because it all goes by so fast.
Its most obvious right at the scrolling shots at the lockers.
You have 2 quick scrolling shots, Where you got a total of 19 completely different characters (not as greatly drawn as in the more detailed still frames, but still with a good amount of effort put into them). And they all zoom by in roughly 3 seconds.
All very nicely done, dun get me wrong, it wasn't lost on me because I looked back and paused it to do so. But all of that hard work will go lost on the avarage viewers. Lots of corners you could have cut for yourself, to save a lot of time and hard work, without losing much or any entertainment value.
But don't mind any of that, if all the extra work was fun to do for yourself.
I just can't imagine anything else but a cruel and long grind, to stay producing, to put in that much content, for shuch a ralatively short duration.
But a very respectable choice nonetheless. And way more fun, for the few people, who do stop and pause to look at all dem details ';3
Thanks for pausing!
The absolute most swagfull nightmare-fuel I ever did see.
And sorry man. Don't got no band-aids on me. Can you make due with some tape and paper towels?
Yeah slap em on. I’ll have a lot of explaining to do at the office today GEEEEE OH BOYYYY GADZOOOKS
Neat little action-packed joke. The dying and respawning wasn't indicated very clearly though. If it wasn't in the title, I would have guessed that one just got knocked out, and some other, similar looking dude, just opened the stall door.
Could've made it much more clear to see whats going on, if the body on the ground sorta faded out (de-spawned). And you would then see some kind of lighting or special effect comming through (or from under) the stall-door, probably with a fitting sort of sound effect too.
hm, I made the body not despawn to be a bit consistent with the original meme, but I see what you mean
I never heard anybody say something like that, about NFTs. But if Ed Edd & Eddy would have been produced recently, instead of way back when, it would have totally been a classic episode. Absolutely the sort of scam that Ed would be all over!
That was one GOOD lookin' mess of different styles and techniques.
Even if you can't understand a word, or play it muted, still interresting to watch.
Looks pretty and sexy and all. But the humor felt waaaaay to forced. And that girl in the elevator looks, sounds, or moves nothing close to how Sona does. Just has a similar hairdo.
That's what you get, for stealing gradient techniques.
No, I'm not THAT happy to see you. It's just a DS in my pocket. Calm down.
Age 33, filthy Mayonaise Blaster
Intermediate-Hard Knocks
Joined on 5/23/08