Gal like that would probably hold no interresting conversation or ever let me play with her tits.
An evening with hipster-Luigi it is! \o/
(And his dating plans look suprisingly affordable!)
Gal like that would probably hold no interresting conversation or ever let me play with her tits.
An evening with hipster-Luigi it is! \o/
(And his dating plans look suprisingly affordable!)
Ohw man, that slap hurt him more inside, than any spirit-bomb ever could.
Well screw that Cockarrot. You'll find an even better friend, sweet prince!
Ha! Piglet going straight into the pooh hole!
Watching this got me really pissed off at myself. Just look at the jaws moving when the characters speak (not just a black rectangle that moves around). Look at their arm-gestures when talking, or petting a dog (BOTW developpers, take some notes!), Or even characters calmy performing medical procedures. Look at the guts flowimg out of thay womans body (actualy, i'd rather not, made me pretty uncomfortable, but that means it was 'executed' well).
Why didn't I do any of that shit!? I thouht I was pretty good at animating sprites myself. But you just done and showed me that my skills AINT SHIT!
I think I have some catching up to do. Thanks for showing me! ';)
This is what I should have heard on the introduction day when I went to college.
But instead I had some hipster douchebag telling me to 'think outside of the box', where he handed out some silly symbolic excersice where you needed to come up with an unusual sollution. A sort of connect the dots, but with a limited amount of lines to use. Nobody could figure out a sollution, but I found one that even used one line less!
I showed him my 'out of the box' sollution, that solved the problem (and with a line to spare to boot!), He then told me, that was not a correct awnser, because it was not the awnser that was prepared and written down.
So that deffinetly left me angry and confused. Your robotic guest speaker might leave people angry or dissapointment, but certainly not confused. That robot (or cyborg??) guest-speaker, on the other hand, says stuff that is clear as day. No mistaking in the choices it leaves you to make.
I also think this is a thing that a lot of art teachers are trying to tell their students, but just not saying it harsh enough to propperly break naive student's expectations (to then be able to build it back up again, eventually, I suppose).
But I guess telling it straight to the students from day 1, is a bad bussiness move. Probably better to have the suckers pay for 1 or 2 years of tuition (and several buttloads of extra costs) before the poor shmucks find out their education is complete bullshit when it comes to what they actually want to do and learn. (I expected/wanted to art, but they were teaching to trade, if that makes any sense).
Or maybe that was just something I needed to find out the hard way? I don't fuckin know, man. Shouldn't think too much or too deep about that shizzlemarizzle.
At least the teachers from classes that were actually somewhat interesting to me, were actually a combination of respectable and enjoyable to listen too.
And there was way more variaty in all kinds of different fellow students compared to high-school.
That was worth something at least, amirrrrrrite!?
Even though my own G may be pronounced vastly different, compared your good (fellow G-first-lettered) friend. I still found this animation to be very relateable. Like, I genuinly understand the struggles that are being told in this video. So I'm most greatfull that somebody is finally shining some light on this devistatingly ignored issue. You're doing God's work here man, making the world a better place, one letter at a time.
Good excuse for some badass action.
A very well put-together moving collage of madness.
So now I've seen Fernando make love to a woman... I think I've seen it all now.
Also... Somebody PLEASE pm me a link to that 5dollar song near the end. Thanks.
I saw the thumbnail on the frontpage and thought: 'woah cool, Moawling made a video!' Then I saw the name 'Will' under it and thought:'yo wtf!? Who the frick is Will and why did he go and steal Maow's art-style!?'.
But then I scrolled down to the discription and saw Maowling there too.
Excuse me for the missunderstanding and good job to both of y'all. ';3
No, I'm not THAT happy to see you. It's just a DS in my pocket. Calm down.
Age 33, filthy Mayonaise Blaster
Intermediate-Hard Knocks
Joined on 5/23/08