The way Dragonball Super ended all happily everafter. I almost thought Disney already took over. (with 17's stupid-ass politicly correct wish).
But awesomely done. Really played out like a plan that Vegeta would actually sceme in the Frieza saga.
The way Dragonball Super ended all happily everafter. I almost thought Disney already took over. (with 17's stupid-ass politicly correct wish).
But awesomely done. Really played out like a plan that Vegeta would actually sceme in the Frieza saga.
Makes me so glad to see you're still at it, making funny shit. Also loved all the guest art that was thrown in all over the place, had me pause the video at multiple moments to admire/ laugh at it.
Also, Twinrova's bouncy twins at the end: <3
I was so shocked at 1:55 into the video. Has the day finally come that Foamy has gotten a newly drawn frame of animation!?
Other than that, nice rant, I enjoyed it. :)
PLEASE do not wear the bun! No one looks good with the bun on the back of their head, not a single lady or gentleman looked better with the bun. Do something the hair: put a bunch of product in it, do it like a ponytail or just accept a bad hair day. Buns are great as bread. Buns are even better as jiggly booties. But buns are absolutely awful as a hairdo! Don't get me wrong, I understand that the bun is practical, but so is a razor, or a hat. So please, for goodness sake: no more buns unless it's bread or butt.
But it's nice to see the progress, from stickfigures and inconsistantly moving sprite animations, to well drawn, smoothly-moving stuff, complete with voice acting and a regular upload scedule. Pretty inspiring stuff if ya ask me. And a good name to boot, with the best chosen first and last letters in it.
One thing though (besides the buns), have kind of a problem with the subscribe screen at the end. It's not the fact that it's there, ( and you're not the first one to do it). But it's just that it's lazy. It's just the same screen as posted on youtube (though you put the bit of effort in to block the parts with the pink squares and circle).
But why not put in the little bit of effort to make a different ending title screen. That aknowledges that this video is on newgrounds. Might as well get creative with the plugs. Do stuff with the tank or somethin. Or with the simpler and shorter pokemone bits, if they're made in flash, you could even post them in flash format, with some little fun-looking clickable parts that open up a window to your youtube.
But's that my naggy opinion on that. Other than that good entertaining stuff!
Man, you're getting good at the angry/smartass rants/ They're getting better than the angry rants from doctor Cox (from Scrubs)! And dr.Cox has some really good rants in the show.
Also, the illustration/cartoons are gettig way better. Really getting good at your own style you got going, it's really becoming like a brand of its own. And I can learn a lot from it by looking at what kind of details you put in or leave out. Like going full detailed with the Mozes picture to really put the epicness into it, and making things look simple/semi-shitty when making little throwaway jokes inbetween.
Also, the color choices look weird, but work really well. Sweet job, keep it up!
You got me going like: "ah, you clever bastard'. For like 3 times.
First one, when I saw the thumbnail and the titel, thought it was a clever way of luring people into a video about jerking off (thought I had your witty nonsense figured out by now).
Second one, when he actually drained his main vein.
Third one when it turned out it was an advertisement all along.
And a possible 4th one for the future, if it turns out it wasn't suicide, and the plot thickens. But I doubt ur gonna go the extra (serious non-lazy) mile just for that.
Woah sweet, if I knew about this big-ass collab I would've liked to animate a scene. If you need an extra hand to animate for episode 2. Lemme know.
It makes sence to try out, not listening to music while making art. Sometimes, when the artwork requires more gruntwork, it's nice to get in a constant groove/rythm. But when you need to let multiple things sink in (things like shape, perspective and placement), those things can sink in, at different speeds and intensity.
And as a teacher you want to take record of your student's progress in their neutral rythm (not the rythm of whatever songs you listen to each lesson).
Though it's a bitch, sometimes, the world needs to shut up around you, to listen to the more silent things (instead of only the silent things in your mind when you sleep).
But the social things totally make sence. Even if you take away sound, people can still enter your vision to let you know they need something from you (like a normal way to approach people). Or let people use their other sences, as long as you do it respectfully. And I suppose, that the whole respect mumbo jumbo is the issue.
But all in all, sublimely illustrated and narrated. Gives a good point of view with some solid points (that a lot of people can take usefull things from).
Thank you & well done!
Good video, artwork was nice, voice-over were good, and the jokes worked well.
Only thig I don't agree with is the theme choice I honestly don't see the value that the league of legends characters add to it, I didn't notice anything that was fitting to akali or aything fitting for master yi (if you asked me they could've been just some lady and just some guy on the phone).
And sorry if this gets over kinda douchey, but I also didn't recognise the character, I recognised Akali because I read the title first and now that she has a nurse skin. But I had no idea it was Master yi until after I watched the animation and read the discription. Don't get me wrong, they were drawn well (estheatically, they looked good) but I didn't really notice any characteristics, if you know what I mean.
So if you ask me (not that anyone ever does, but Imma say it anyways, in case it's helpful) I'd stick with the regular skins, or include things to the dialogue or artwork. So other people get it, or see the appeal of the fact that you included those characters.
Because the fact that it had LoL characters (for no real obvious reason or theme), left me feeling kind of indifferent at the end, while the video itself was really entertaining! And to me indifference is pretty annoying, cuz you can't do nuthin with it: it's not right, it's not wrong, it's just.....kinda.......meh, if you know what I'm sayin.
But don't take it too heavily, no complaints on the quality front ;)
Thank you very much, yea youre kinda right, i did give him his facial Hair and Long Hair, ofcourse you wont know its Yi by just watching the Video, would be kinda stupid to draw him in his full body armor at Home surfing the Internet.
For the whole Yi wanting to kill himself ting, its becouse not many people like Master Yi in the League of Legends Comunity and also the Rageblade build got nerfed so thats the whole reason behind it haha.
Sh*t was really good. The pixelated look with the color choices really made it look like an old dos game, but looking more alive because it moves more, even with the eye twitching and stuff.
Also really had one really creeped up moment, (and I've seen nasty sh*t on the internet). And that was the drill in the head part. I saw the the drill going to the head, and I felt kinda invested to hope that wouldn't happen. And I went: ahw f*ck, he did, that's fucked up! So I'm gonna tell ya your a dick for that, but well done nonetheless :p
No, I'm not THAT happy to see you. It's just a DS in my pocket. Calm down.
Age 33, filthy Mayonaise Blaster
Intermediate-Hard Knocks
Joined on 5/23/08