my god....
That ending had so much win I couldn't even imagine XD
my god....
That ending had so much win I couldn't even imagine XD
holy cr@p, it's true
While watching this, i remembered i had a tiger eye at home, it always kinda felt like a kind of lucky charm, while i didn't know anything about it. I also somhow felt more energetic while carrying it around.
But about the begining of this episode: yup. Crystals are the escence of life. Somehow, directly or indirectly, life comes from the minarals of these crystals. I mean, where do plants get their nutriants from?
waste of good drawing skills.....
The animation looked just wonderful, the shadman also did a nice job on the background. It just wasn't really funny.
I mean, it was mostly: robots say some boring stuff and then explode, wich has been done before (just not with robots) and wasn't really funny then.
And the funniest thing was a cock joke wich was actually a funny cock joke for once. Since it took the flash time for something like that and was done in a quirky way.
Also liked hearing some really old-school sound-effects (I think from the jetsons), was nice to hear something nostalgic like that again.
But overall, the flash was just too boring, as it felt it didn't really have a punch line or was well written. You could have at least used some clever subtle refferences from some mech animes. It was just a video with pretty much some random shit happening, and not random in a funny way.
I just really don't know what to think of this flash, it all looks really well drawn (like you guys really made an effort to try and make something good) but it feels like just another kitty krew troll thing.
Of all the great songs super mario rpg has the only song people seem to do is this song that's from a part of the game that's not even signifficant, not even verry interesting at that. I mean, who actually got stuck in the forest? O.o
As for the song, the one from the Rawest Forest was nice, but not really more than that. And this one wasn't even half as good. And it wasn't even a waltz, not anything NEAR a waltz. The only thing that was nice in the song was the opera part, and I friggin hate opera music.
But the animation was good, Only problem with the animation was that it hardly made any sence, and with that I mean that there's no kind of logical order in the animation. It basically looks like you've took all kinds of stuff and characters from the game and just throw it randomly together.
So the next time making a music video: put some thought into it before making it. Cause this just seems like a waste of time and skill to me.
too much information XD
Gotta re-watch this a couple of times and try and draw the flower myself. But it does pretty good sence so far. Except for the alien part. I personally think that the cropcircels are artworks made by people.
Consider the fact that all of these sacred geometric crop circles are made absolutely perfect, and would be next to impossible to be made to that level of detail by a single person in a single night, especially without a helicoptor to see it with.
And now consider the fact that these sacred geometric forms haven't been known for over 3000 years by the average man, and even when it was known, it was sacred and studied.
Do you really think humans could have made such intricate designs that match the ancient forms just by coincidence?
Dream Team!!
You two making a video together... I wouldn't have dared to dream about it!
And I listened to the loop about 6 times and still didn't get a single bit bored, the song was just perfect, especially for Sexual Lobster to animate to.
The only minor imperfection is the part where the guy's eating the sandwich. But I really hope you two are gonna team-up more often, because Weebl's songs and Lobster's animations go together perfect like peanut butter and jelleeeh!
I don't really see this as an april fools joke. Cuz april fools flashes are normally just trolling ceasure crap thingies.
I'd rather see this as spoofing your own movie. Just too bad that you didn't really animate anything new, except for the lypsynching perhaps, and that you kinda named it officially Jerry 2. Though it gave me a few nice giggles :p
aaah dude!!
You had such a great setting goin on! I really got absorbed into the whole sittuation, the misterious creature only giving little signs by knocking, not knowing if it's hostile or friendly, but slowly getting worse by first taking a bite out of the guy's sadwich, cutting of his transport and communication and eventually driving him nuts. And when you finally get there....yeah! Finally we get to see what kind of creature(s) lie(s) ahead!!
....and then we see friggin furries.....
Now that has to be the biggest anti-climax i've ever seen, seriously! And that's why it's of course damn brilliant! I mean, i've never seen an animation or even a real life movie wich is relatively long and is really seriously well made to have such an ending. And i've always wanted someone to make that and you finally did it!
Because, most videos wich have such an ending are either kinda cheap and have a cheasy feel to it, or give it away with slight hints. But you stuck with the serious and mysterious setting all the way until there isn't any doubt of a dark creature of some sort, with vicous teeth or with rugged rusty weapons, that's looking all messed-up and wounded, scarred and all that other scary movie crap....and then comes a group of colourful smiling furry forest creatures with human features! (wich can be even scaries but that aside). Now to make that all the way must require some serious discipline, passion and talent. And you've got it all!
God damn, I can easily say this is the best animation I've ever seen and that I won't see an animation as good as this for quite some years to come.
.....although, now that take a look at your user image and banner on your profile.... I should have seen this ending comming.....
The story didn't make any sence to me, so I went and checked the the first one....than the second one and it still didn't make any sence to me XD
And having seen the previous 2, I gotta say that you did better on the others than you did with this one. The drawings looked better in the others and i didn't really see any backgrounds in this one. But the little dress-up game was nicely done.
I think you should either color each picture or spend more time on the drawings and put in more detail and backgrounds. Because your drawing style is a pretty simple manga style and styles like that can easily look cheap. And by coloring or putting more detail in it, it will make a HUGE difference.
yes i know XD, but the first chapters are a bit old.. XD
after chapter 4 it looks better
I think you should have eaten some more of those mnms before submitting this....
No, I'm not THAT happy to see you. It's just a DS in my pocket. Calm down.
Age 33, filthy Mayonaise Blaster
Intermediate-Hard Knocks
Joined on 5/23/08