I think you can do way better
I mean, c'mon, if you got your inspiration from SMBZ, that's okay, but this is just done too many times! And i'm getting really tired of these "fan characters". They're not new characters, they're just Sonics or Shadows with more spikes or with clothes on, this was just a withe sonic with a coat and different coloured shoes.
And I not trying to be a hypocrite because my own animations are pretty much all DBZ style too, but try too keep it a little bit originall, use some different characters or backgrounds. And COME ON! The second song!! I know it's a cool song, but it's been used over and over and over so many times that it's just becoming annoying now! And Sonic pulling the 7 emeralds out of his ass and turning into super-sonic, we all saw that comming! Come up with something new, like letting the two fight over the emeralds and collecting them along the fight and letting sonic go super when he gets them all.
Well, that's it for the originality problems, now to the technicall issues.
In the background in begining, you can clearly see a line from where you pasted onther part on, so before you put the back layer of the background in flash, cut the background in paint so that so don't see that line and that the image loops well. And when someone get hits hard, the screen flashes white really fast: don't overuse that, because it gets really annoying and it hurts the eyes when you\re watching it in a darker room and on a bigger screen.
And as for the textbar, use one language, and i recommend only english since most people in other countries (like me) know english and don't know spanish. And having two languages at the same time is just annoying. And i noticed that the music stopped everytime there was any text, so try to cut the music in audacity (or any other program to edit audio) so it loops, and then when you put it in flash, make sure the music is set even instead of stream so the music will go on when there's text.
I hoped this review helped a bit. Because it's clear to see you've got skills. But it's just a shame that it's wasted on something like this.