
194 Movie Reviews

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Hot diddley damn!!!

That was facking amazing dude! Overal animation was just incredibble. And the pixelated thing worked out perfect.
It also felt really nostalgic. Like years ago when i was a little snot-nosed brat, i used to buy little games on a floppy disk at the Blokker....ah...good times man...good times. Although they didn't really have any games about turd eating cats, but i think you know what i mean :p

aap responds:

Haha, my brother and I always bought these floppy disks with shareware and freeware too. Good times indeed!


Finally a sprite animation with draglade sprites on newgrounds! XD
It wasn't the best i've seen, but hey, it's better than my first submission here. So you did a pretty good job.

Things i think you can improve:
The match-up. It's not that yuki vs train is a bad choice or anything. It's just that the sprites don't match in size. Yuki's just way bigger than Train wich looks kinda odd.
And if i were you i'd keep yuki in his normal color palette, he's already dark yuki if you consider he uses a dark g-con and all, and something went wrong on his recoloring (i think) and that's his face. I think you only wanted to do his eyes red. But in some sprites some other parts of his face and his arms went red too. Wich looked kinda silly. Like he ate too many strawberries and made a mess :p
And i think you could do a bit less with the shaking camera. You don't need to create an earthquake if someone gets punched in the face, if you know what i mean.

But the overall, the action is done pretty darn good. I only hope the next one will be a bit longer though.

Kinosashi responds:

Ya I realized something was messed
Don't worry tho ill fix these problems by the next animation


We "normal people" are sane people with crazy voices in their heads.
Blockhead is the complete opposite: he's a crazy person with a sane voice in his head!

So that was it all along!!

Really good!

Though it doesn't make me want to quit smoking, it's just too damn tasty to me! XD

But I really haven't thought about it that way, you always get the threats thrown in your face like: "you'll get lung cancer" "you're skins gonna go bad" and all the other illnesess and crap. But you never get warnings of the results.....of the results :p
This may sound stupid, going in about a deeper meaning about a simple animation but it's really great. They all tell about how you're gonna die early if you keep smoking, "but hey, you only live once" is pretty much all you hear as a reaction from the smokers. And this is what's never been said before, the other victims of smoking. The ones who lose the smoker.

Great job dude, and keep doing what you do! ;)

Just lovely

Though i'm not really originall myself. I'm just getting sick of those "fan characters". It was high time someone stepped up and made fun of them.

holy cr@p dude!

That's one epic piece of frame by frame work man. Must have taken ages to make this. And it was all so damn fluid and the action was damn fine. No cheap re-using of the same animations, no tacky movements and the camera angles were great too.
Might have been nice to see the characters and backgrounds more coulerful though, but i gues that might be too much work or just the style you're sticking with.
Anyways, great animation and you sure as hell derserved that daily 1st.

simple & short

But that's what's so good about it.
It's got a simple but catchy intro song, it starts really simple (and really cool mustard action by the way) and way you presented the whole thing kinda reminded me of Happy Harry's style.

And about it being funny or not: i thought it was friggin briliant. But I understand that some people want something with a little more depth and build-up. As for those people: screw them and keep making your flashes as you feel is right.

Though I think you might wanna put a little more work in your backgrounds.

did that make any sence? O.o


Was it brilliant?
Hell yeah!!

you sir...

...You are a hero.
I've never seen a cartoon from you I didn't like, and you just keep getting better and better.

And there was nothing bad to be spotted in this either. The idea is cool, it's drawn and animated increddibly good (like always) and the backgrounds mighty awesome too (f*ck yeah! a boob planet!). And great voice acting and a damn fine theme song.

So all I can say now is please keep doing what you do for as long as you possibly can, and i hope to see your cartoons go beyond the internet one day. I mean it, you're to good to just stay on the internet, the people of this world need to see your work on the big screen! Halelujah and praise da lord!!


I think you can do way better

I mean, c'mon, if you got your inspiration from SMBZ, that's okay, but this is just done too many times! And i'm getting really tired of these "fan characters". They're not new characters, they're just Sonics or Shadows with more spikes or with clothes on, this was just a withe sonic with a coat and different coloured shoes.
And I not trying to be a hypocrite because my own animations are pretty much all DBZ style too, but try too keep it a little bit originall, use some different characters or backgrounds. And COME ON! The second song!! I know it's a cool song, but it's been used over and over and over so many times that it's just becoming annoying now! And Sonic pulling the 7 emeralds out of his ass and turning into super-sonic, we all saw that comming! Come up with something new, like letting the two fight over the emeralds and collecting them along the fight and letting sonic go super when he gets them all.

Well, that's it for the originality problems, now to the technicall issues.

In the background in begining, you can clearly see a line from where you pasted onther part on, so before you put the back layer of the background in flash, cut the background in paint so that so don't see that line and that the image loops well. And when someone get hits hard, the screen flashes white really fast: don't overuse that, because it gets really annoying and it hurts the eyes when you\re watching it in a darker room and on a bigger screen.
And as for the textbar, use one language, and i recommend only english since most people in other countries (like me) know english and don't know spanish. And having two languages at the same time is just annoying. And i noticed that the music stopped everytime there was any text, so try to cut the music in audacity (or any other program to edit audio) so it loops, and then when you put it in flash, make sure the music is set even instead of stream so the music will go on when there's text.

I hoped this review helped a bit. Because it's clear to see you've got skills. But it's just a shame that it's wasted on something like this.

No, I'm not THAT happy to see you. It's just a DS in my pocket. Calm down.

Age 33, filthy Mayonaise Blaster

Intermediate-Hard Knocks

Joined on 5/23/08

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